A Touch of Yellow in HK

Back in Hong Kong for a few days so more opportunity for street photography.

This time, I only took the Ricoh GR along to travel light and have a different perspective from last time with the Epson R-D1.

Like last time, the first day was spent walking around Kowloon.

It’s always great being in Hong Kong, it’s very good for street photography and not having a motorbike means I walk a lot more, too.

Using the GR was definitely easier than the R-D1 but both cameras work great here for street photography.


GRD II, f2.4, 1/100, ISO 80, RAW 1:1

Ok, the GR1 week is over and now I have to wait for the film to be developed. This should hopefully be done by Friday. This is really a pain and the reason I will not use film again in the near future. While I really enjoyed the week with the GR1, it is a fantastic camera to use afterall, the drawbacks of film are just too much to make it worthwile. The quality is not better either, on the contrary, it is worse, unless you pay extra for your prints or print big.
Since I’ve used the GRD I a lot recently, I decided to use the GRD II for a while now.
The weather finally got better an we had some sunshine. Makes for a much more pleasing experience to go out and take pictures if it’s not dark and raining. So I used my lunch today to go out for a walk and take some pictures.

Lonely Guest at Yellow’s

GRD, f2.4, 1/400, ISO 200, JPG

My short trip to Germany is over so I am back at the airport. While waiting for the flight to board I’ve been walking around taking some pictures.
I like the colors and light from this bar at Cologne/Bonn Airport. Since this airport is never really busy there is a quite serene feel about the place, especially in the late afternoon and evening.
While I love flying, I don’t like airports and especially wasting time at them. Going through all the security checks is a pain and takes ages without really doing much for security anyway. Most airports are modern, big and bright but also cold and without character. It is always a rush through or a long wait, never really relaxing.
It is great to see old movies where airports resemble a train station where you wait for your flight and then just walk to your plane. I know this is not possible anymore but it’s a nice reminder of what once was possible.

Slippery When Wet

LC1, f2.2, 1/640, ISO 100, RAW, 71mm

The LC1 week continues but don’t worry, I won’t rename my blog and from next week I will be posting more GRD pictures. Hopefully Ricoh will have my GRD I fixed soon so I can use it again. Have been really missing it and the GRD II does not cover everything and is more to complement the GRD I.
Some color for today and kind of a remake of my Yellow picture or a picture in the same style. I find these signs quite funny and like the yellow with red colors. Cropped it to the 1:1 format and changed the contrast to boost the colors.