Saturday in Greenwich Park

When heading out for a walk through the park I decided to take the Jupiter-9 lens with me, I planned to take pictures of the squirrels and other wildlife in the park and some flowers. As you can see from the first two pictures, this worked ok for a short while till I switched back to taking pictures of people.
I am not used to long telephoto type lenses so I struggled a bit with framing in the beginning and since I like to get close some pictures qualify more for street portraits than street photography.

On my way back while walking across the University, I came across the set for the new Chavez movie with Michael Pena so I took my paparazzi picture of him to have it next to my picture of Nicole Kidman.

Curious Squirrel

GRD II, f5.6, 1/400, ISO 80, RAW 1:1, 8.4mm

Following on with my ‘Fish-eye Week’ was a nice walk through Greenwich Park and along the Thames to the O2. The weather was great and there were a lot of people out and about.
Using the fish-eye lens is great fun and leads me to see thigs in a different light. There a few really cool things you can only do with this lens but when I briefly comapred it with the GR lens it is unbelievable how much quality gets lost by using the adapter lens. Then again, it is not about the quality but about the fun and about seeing things different.