GX100 in Greenwich

A day in Greenwich with a great friend who has helped me a lot through the past months so it was great to spend the day chatting and taking photos.

Greenwich has changed quite a lot recently but it’s still the nicest part of London together with Blackheath.

While I had a lot of cameras to decide between, I went with the GX100 since it’s still a fantastic camera and still going strong even after all this time.

While I won’t miss most parts of London, I will miss Greenwich and just chilling at a pub by the river and enjoying a pint.

Fire in North Greenwich

GX100, f5.6, 1/800, ISO 100, RAW, 72mm

My last pictures were all a bit dark and without much happening in them, or a bit boring in other words.
Today, I decided to take a walk through Greenwich on my way to the cinema. I saw the smoke of a fire in the indutstrial area and decided to take a picture. I tried to give it a slightly warm tone by using the cloudy WB setting in camera.


GX100, f3.5, 1/50, ISO 367, RAW, 50mm

I have to say that from all the Ricoh cameras I have used so far the GRD I and GX100 still have the best image quality. Both are a great example that more MP and further sensor development have not really brought any significant advantages, quite the opposite actually when considering that the GX200 has almost the worst high ISO quality of any Ricoh camera.