Some Red in HK

Another day and another walk around Kowloon and the markets in Mongkok but since it was Sunday, I also decided to ho to Hong Kong Island and climb all the way to the peak.

This time I focused on red as the colour for today’s photos.

Hong Kong island around Central is always packed with all the foreign workers on Sundays so it’s quite interesting to see.

In the evening I went to the harbor to see the light show again, it’s always nice and there are many people so it also makes for some good photography opportunities.

Despite taking a few landscape photos, I decided to stick with only street photos for this post.

Hoi An After the Floods

After half of the old town in Hoi An was flooded yesterday, the water retreated and the day was nice and bright today. It was great to see people all getting on with their business and cleaning up the mess.
If I would not have seen (and waded through) the flooded streets yesterday I would not have known of the flooding in some of the places.


GRD, f4, 1/30, ISO 400, JPG

Took this while out for a walk this evening, the red stood out against the grey sky. This picture is not a cut-out but a full color picture where the only tweak was using manual WB in camera and saturating the reds slightly more in post processing. I added some vignetting to draw the focus more to the center of the frame.