Saturday at the Avalon

Went to see Nancee play at the Avalon in Soho but arrived a bit late so only got to see the end of her performance. Since there were also other bands playing we decided to stick around and listen to them while having drinks.

Took my GXR along to take pictures as usual but struggled when trying to process them thanks to the blue light they had in there. The best tool turned out to be Photo Mate on the Nexus 7 where I processed all these pictures and posted from.

Thanks to Photo Mate it becomes easier to just use Android and I hardly ever need to use Windows anymore.

Saturday in Greenwich Park

When heading out for a walk through the park I decided to take the Jupiter-9 lens with me, I planned to take pictures of the squirrels and other wildlife in the park and some flowers. As you can see from the first two pictures, this worked ok for a short while till I switched back to taking pictures of people.
I am not used to long telephoto type lenses so I struggled a bit with framing in the beginning and since I like to get close some pictures qualify more for street portraits than street photography.

On my way back while walking across the University, I came across the set for the new Chavez movie with Michael Pena so I took my paparazzi picture of him to have it next to my picture of Nicole Kidman.

Yvonne at the Rattlesnake

GXR A12-M, f2.0, 1/133, ISO 200, RAW, 53mm (Voigtlander Nokton f1.2 35mm)

I like going to places where they have live music playing, especially if I know one of the artists or bands playing.
It’s nice to hear live music but more so it’s nice to meet people who are passionate about what they are doing, this is quite a nice change if you work in an area where people are stressed and don’t really like what they are doing.

I also enjoy taking pictures at concerts, so today’s picture is of Yvonne Mathieu playing at the Rattlesnake in Angel.

Friday Night at The Comedy Pub

Went after work to The Comedy Pub to listen to some live performances from a few bands and Nacee, you might remember the name from my post about the CD covers pictures I have taken. This was the first time I actually got to see her perform live so it was great to see her on stage.

This is a short series with some of the pictures I took during the evening.

An Evening with Friends

Tonight I spent a great evening at Oliver’s Jazz Bar in Greenwich, after going there almost once or twice ever week when I lived further away I have not been in quite a while although I live just down the road. Oliver’s is always a great venue to relax, listen to Jazz and have a glass of wine. Sure, the walls and furniture have seen better days, it’s small and dark but this is the right kind of venue you want to be in when listening to Jazz as it allows to be sit back, relax and focus on the music. It also offers the opportunity to be close to the band and have a chat with them and their friends or make new friends with the other people.
In other words if you’re in London and want to listen to Jazz, you could go to Ronnie Scott’s or if you want it less commercial and more raw you come to Oliver’s.

Clyde Morris & the Blue Grooves were playing but this was a special night, it was also Clyde’s birthday and he had some friends as special guests performing. The music was fantastic and everyone, the musicians and guests equally, had a great time you could easily see this.
In no small part this was thanks to Clyde’s wife who not only greeted everyone and made sure people paid the entrance fee to contribute to her charity, but was full of energy and a great host to everyone, everyone felt at home thanks to her. She also had some very nice home made Caribbean canapés for everyone and then shared the birthday cake.

So on this note a happy birthday to Clyde and to everyone else enjoy this series.