Story in 8 Pictures – People and Signs

The weather was great and I had no other plans so what better than join the Simple Street Photography group for a meetup after work.

Today’s meetup was actually different as there was more of a theme to it and a challenge to tell a story in 8 photos.

At first I didn’t have a particular theme in mind but after the first few photos I kind of settled on ‘People and Signs’.

While reviewing my photos and selecting the best 8, I almost changed the theme to ‘People with Phones’ because most people did actually look at phones in my photos so I had to take out some phone photos to better balance this.


R-D1, f8.0, 1/446, ISO 200, RAW, 42mm (Ricoh GR f2.8 28mm LTM)

I met with Kesh and Tom at Camera Cafe for a chat and to take some photos around. While photography ended up being a smaller part than anticipated it was still fun.
Since I haven’t used it in a while and it fitted well for Camera Cafe I decided to take the Epson R-D1 along with the Ricoh GR lens.

Million Women March

It’s been a. great day, very warm and sunny so ideal for some photography. So I decided to join the Simple Street Photography meet up group to take some photos.


The plan was to go and take photos around Oxford Street but since there was a demonstration planned it made sense to go and take photos of that.

It was a demonstration of women against violence. Everyone was in a good mood, helped by the nice weather no doubt and the purpose of the demonstration.

I took the GXR A12-M and the GR with me to take photos but had a bad battery day and forgot to fully charge the batteries I had with me. This meant I needed to make sure I didn’t run out of batteries.

We walked along with the demonstration from Bond Street all the way to Trafalgar Square where we went for a pint and a chat afterwards.

It was a very nice day out and great to meet the other photographers .

Evening Street Photography Walk

During the week it’s sometimes difficult to not only find the time to take photos but also keep yourself motivated. This is always worst in the winter months when the weather is grey and it gets dark early.

So when Kesh asked me if I wanted to go for a photo walk after work with the Simple Street Photography group in London it sounded like a great idea to go out and shoot withy likeminded people.

It was indeed a very fun evening out despite the freezing temperatures and we all managed to stay together while photographing, which meant we didn’t really walk very far in the end.

We took a walk along Tottenham Court Road, Oxford Street and Soho and it was fun to see everyone using different cameras and having a different approach to street photography. I was not the only person with a Ricoh GR camera though and most people were quite impressed by the little GR and how well it coped with the low light shooting.

Overall it was a fun, cold and late evening but a nice change from the usual daily routine or just meeting someone at the pub for beers. It’s always great to meet other photographers and just go out to take photos.

Destination Christmas

GR, f2.8, 1/125, ISO 1600, RAW

I spent the day going around shops in Oxford Street to do some shopping, one of my least favorite pastimes. It was very busy with a lot of people running around with shopping bags from one shop to the other. At least I managed to find what I was looking for so it was not fgor nothing but it was not the nicest way to spend a Sunday.

5 In London

I had to go into London to do one of the things I try to avoid as much as possible, shopping. Still, I figured before running around the shops I might as well do some photography first.

Instead of heading straight to Oxford Street, I started off at London Bridge and walked to the Tower to take some photos of the ceramic poppies they laid out before these would be taken away.

A long walk across the City and Holborn, I made it to Oxford Street and started looking around the shops. It was painful as usual and this time of the year it’s even worse with people already starting their Christmas shopping.

After a somewhat unsuccessful shopping trip, it was time to go to the LPMG social meetup and get a (well deserved) pint.

On a day like today, the GR is the perfect camera because it’s small, light and easy to carry while taking great photos.

RD1 Photo Walk

Saturday is always a good time to meet people and go out to take photos and it was no different today.

I took my RD1 with the Nokton 40mm lens, to use one more time before selling it, and headed to Whitecross Street to grab a coffee and meet with Kesh and Tom.

On our way towards Camera Cafe and while doing a quick stop at Red Dot Camera, we ran into Dan and decided to all set off to Camera Cafe and take some photos along the way.

We all had different cameras but it was good fun to shoot on the street and afterwards look through our photos while enjoying a pint in a pub.

I do like how the RD1 performs and while it’s very frustrating to shoot without a live view screen, it was overall fun and I managed to guess reasonably well the framing. With exception of the 2nd photo, all others were shot without using the OVF and by holding the RD1 like a p&s camera (which is best for street photography if you ask me).

The Lost Posts – Part 1: Back in London

After finishing my travels around the world it has been difficult to get back to my daily posts and I also needed a break.

This doesn’t mean I didn’t take photos though or actually prepare photos to post on my blog.

Still, for one reason or another I never went back to them to actually post them.

So now, almost 2 years later, on the 17th September 2016, I am going to post these photos from my first day back in London after my rip around the world.

It was a weird feeling being back and in a lot of ways I didn’t quite feel like I finished my trip but it still felt like just another stop on my journey.