Road Trip to Tam Ky

I can never say no to a motorbike trip, so I ended up n a spontaneous trip to Tam Ky today.

Unlike the last days the weather wasn’t as good and there was some rain but nothing to stop the road trip.

Starting in Da nang, we headed to Hoi An and then to Tam Thanh, the mural village, for some photography and to just enjoy the ride.

After Tam Thanh, it was time for a visit to Tam Ky’s “Mt. Rushmore”, a monument dedicated to the Vietnamese women who fought in the war.

It’s quite a nice sight and worth it if you’re in the area.
After some coffee and a Com Ga dinner in Tam Ky, it was just heading back to Da nang through some rain.

Graffiti in Bangkok

After the heat of the past days it was nice to have an overcast day in Bangkok to keep the temperature down.

It also allowed me to walk a bit more and go for a walk along the canal to take some photos.

I’ve been going past these places in the river boat many times but never real walked along it to take photos so this was a good opportunity to do this.

Chinatown in Bangkok

To get a change from the usual, I went to Chinatown in Bangkok to take some photos and get dinner.

Chinatown certainly makes for a nice change, especially at night, thanks to the lit up signs.

It’s very busy and the prices for food are higher than they should be, given Chinese food is usually quite inexpensive.
It’s still worth a visit and makes for a nice change.

Bangkok Entrances

Being back in Bangkok was not the most exciting thing and after waiting at the first traffic light for 4 minutes in the sun and heat, I quickly started thinking of getting out of the city as soon as possible.

Still, Bangkok is not bad for some photography so I focused on this.

While I do appreciate the opportunity for some street photography while in a big city, I’ve done quite a bit of street photography and decided to focus on colours and doorways for this post.

Bali Views

Another try to take some nice landscape photos during a 260km road trip around the eastern part of Bali got spoiled a bit by clouds.

Not just clouds but also some rain and fog but it still made for a nice experience and provided slightly different views most people expect from Bali.

The trip itself was nice and some of the roads along the mountains were great and very scenic.

Especially the area around Amed is very nice and would be worth staying at for a few days should I head back to Bali.