Minneapolis Meet

GXR A12-M, f5.6, 1/60, ISO 351, JPG, 42mm (Ricoh GR f2.8 28mm L)

The great thing about having a blog is all the fantastic people I met through it from all around the world. It is always a really fun and interesting meet and I enjoy it a lot, this makes it worth for me to keep up the blog even if it’s not always easy.

Today, I met with fellow blogger and photographer Jason for a photography walk, unfortunately in fading light thanks to the traffic while getting to the meet up point, and a chat over dinner and drinks.
I had a great time and really enjoyed the meeting, it shows that the world is a small place indeed, I hope we can meet up again in the future and have more time for photography.

Superior Road Trip

Took another road trip, this time all the way to Lake Superior. Went to visit the Split Rock Lighthouse, Gooseberry Falls, Two Harbors and a sort time in Duluth.

The weather was cold and I even had a bit of snow on the way there but it was a nice day out and worth the long drive. If I would have planned this better I would have stayed overnight and maybe even gone all the way up to Canada but there is only limited time.