
GR, f5.0, 1/2, ISO 1600, RAW

While in the cinema and waiting for the movie to start, I liked how the screen looked and decided to take a picture. The nice thing about being able to go earlier in the day to the cinema is that it’s pretty empty so you feel like it’s your own personal screening.


GXR A12-M, f8.0, 1/1320, ISO 200, RAW, 18mm (Voigtlander Heliar f5.6 12mm L)

Another nice and sunny day, aside from a walk around Greenwich and Greenwich Park, I spent it chilling on my terrace.

Took the Heliar 12mm and the Leica 90mm lenses with me but mostly used the 12mm, I like wideangle lenses and the way they capture the world. I wish I would have a full frame camera to make ful use of the 12mm Heliar lens.

Blogging with Friends

Today, I had the pleasure of meeting friends and fellow bloggers Björn and Kesh for some photography, a chat and some drinks.
I always enjoy meeting other photgraphers and bloggers, it’s always very interesting and great to be around like minded people.

Björn had his RX1 along and I took a few pictures with it, it’s really a very nice camera and a lot smaller and lighter than it looks.
If I would not be as happy as I am with the GXR, I would have most likely ordered one by now.

The pictures on this post are all taken with the RX1 aside from the last one which is with the GXR Mount A12 and Nokton f1.2 35mm lens to have something to compare with.