Sunny Day in Richmond

After getting back to London yesterday, I went to Richmond to meet Tom and we’ve been out taking some photos in the afternoon once the sun came out.

I started off by using my GR to take photos but used Tom’s Sony a7s with my Jupiter-9 85mm f2.0 lens when we stopped for a pint

The Jupiter is a great lens and works very well on the a7s, it is very sharp even wide open and has a nice bokeh.

Focusing on the a7s is certainly more of a pain than using the GXR because you have to magnify the screen in order to get accurate focus with Sony’s peaking but zooming in takes two button presses which is annoying. The fact that you can’t change the minimum shutter speed from 1/60 is another thing that Sony needs to fix. As good as the a7s is, small things like these show that Sony is not giving their cameras to realm photographers for feedback before they release them and don’t listen enough to feedback afterwards.

Still, it is a great camera and it was fun shooting with the Jupiter-9 lens, a great combination if you need a inexpensive portrait lens for the Sony a7 cameras.

Saturday in Greenwich Park

When heading out for a walk through the park I decided to take the Jupiter-9 lens with me, I planned to take pictures of the squirrels and other wildlife in the park and some flowers. As you can see from the first two pictures, this worked ok for a short while till I switched back to taking pictures of people.
I am not used to long telephoto type lenses so I struggled a bit with framing in the beginning and since I like to get close some pictures qualify more for street portraits than street photography.

On my way back while walking across the University, I came across the set for the new Chavez movie with Michael Pena so I took my paparazzi picture of him to have it next to my picture of Nicole Kidman.