5 from the GDIF 2013

Another mostly grey and cloudy day, it cleared up briefly in between but for most parts it stayed grey. I decided to go and check out more of the GDIF 2013 and took a few picture of the performances and people around.
This is a small series from the festival taken with the GR.

More from the GDIF 2012

Back to the Greenwich Festival for some more pictures with the R-D1 but Ricoh GR lens today.

The pink people are part of The Invasion and very entertaining, especially for the kids who are having a great time when they guys are on the lose. I ran again into them when they were driving to their hotel and had an ‘argument’ with the parking barrier.

People at the Greenwich Festival 2012

Since the GDIF 2012 or the Greenwich and Docklands International Festival was on today, I decided to go out and have a look around. For pictures I dusted off my Epson R-D1, put the Nokton lens on and took some spare batteries with me.

Going back to a Rangefinder after using the GXR A12-M is like trying to make a fire by rubbing two sticks together after using a lighter for the past months. In other words, it’s a lot of hassle an the result are unpredictable but it’s also rewarding if you manage it. The biggest problems are the lack of live view, having to always lift the camera to your eye is simply not fluid enough nor is it actually possible to accurately frame before getting used to the frame lines.
Still, I enjoyed using the R-D1 again and will have to give it more of a workout over the coming days.

This is a small series from the pictures I took today.

Prometheus Awakes

Went to the Prometheus Awakes show tonight at the Greenwich Maritime Museum, I did not know much what to expect but since it started at 10pm and was outside I took the GXR A12-M and 35mm Nokton lens with me.
It was a great show and very well organized since most of the action happened in between, around and a lot above the crowds. If you get the chance to watch it, I can only recommend as it was great fun.

While I thought I needed a fast lens for this, it turned out I was shooting mostly at f5.6, low ISO and EV -4.0 anyway. While I did not need the fast lens, the 35mm was a good compromise as a single lens since it was wide enough but also allowed me to get close to the action when needed.
What keeps impressing me still is the detail the GXR A12-M is able to capture and the Nokton lens is also excellent at this and a very sharp lens.

Since I did not find many photos from this show online, I decided to post a slightly longer series of 10 pictures although I did take around 170 in total. Picture 9 is my favourite and if I were to post only one this would have been it.