Rain, Wind and Fog

Driving from Hue to Da Nang in the rain is not much fun, driving it at night and during a typhoon is not fun but challenging and exciting.

After almost being blown off the road a few times, I ended up not being able to see much of anything of the road while going up the Hai Van Pass. In Da Nang it was just very windy and a bit flooded but otherwise ok to drive.

More Rain and Fog

TG-4, f2.0, 1/15, ISO 3200, RAW, 25mm

Driving over the Hai van Pass at night is always exciting and a challenge but it gets very difficult to drive when it’s also foggy and rainy. You end up not seeing anything around you. You don’t hear anything either so it’s very surreal. Suddenly the white lines become the only thing that can help guide you to the top.

It’s a challenge but one I enjoy and despite it being difficult it’s also quite peaceful up there without any noise or other people around (aside from the occasional trucks passing by slowly).

I know, I posted a similar photo before but I liked this one and decided to post it anyway.

Atapeu to Da Nang to Hong Kong

I knew this was going to be a long day. Waking up at 6am in Attapeu, I had to drive back the 360km to Da Nang, repack my bag and catch my 6pm flight to Hong Kong.

Since I couldn’t take any chances or delays with the borders or roads, I went back the same way I came, via Bo Y.

I am not usually one to get up too early but whenever I do, it’s always worth it. The sunrise and morning fog make for some great photos, especially when driving around the mountains.

Despite being in a rush, I did stop to take quite a few photos on my way to the border. I figured that should I miss my flight at least I’d have some nice photos to show for it.

Crossing the border was again no problem at all and very fast, not many people that early in the morning and the border guards were all friendly. Well, aside from the guy at the exit of the border area who was a bit grumpy so it seems they always find the grumpy guys to put there on the Vietnamese side.

I made good time, despite taking photos but to avoid any delays, I didn’t take that many photos once I crossed the border and focused more on driving.

I made it back to rainy Da Nang just after lunch, a bit later than I would have ideally liked but it gave mea time to freshen up, get some rest and lunch before heading to the airport.

The flight was pleasant enough and arrived early in Hong Kong so that was nice as it gave me some extra time to take some photos on my walk to my hotel.

I left my hotel booking for the last minute so I ended up staying in a nice enough hostel but it must be the smallest room and most expensive room (given the size) I stayed at in Asia. Still, it was located right in Mong Kok so ideal for what I had in mind for my Hong Kong trip.

It will certainly be a nice change again to walk everywhere and take photos instead of taking my motorbike everywhere.

Da Nang and Back Again

After working in the morning, I set off on a motorbike trip to Da Nang to meet a friend for coffee and a chat.

The weather hasn’t been that great recently so it was nice to have a nice sunny drive to Da Nang.

The sunny weather didn’t last too long though and by the time I was heading back it was grey and overcast with some more rain clouds making their way over the mountain from Hue.

Once I got to the Hai van pass it was thick fog and rain all the way back to Hue. While this wasn’t so nice it was still a great day out and I enjoyed the road trip.

Misty Tam Dao

At first when looking out the window in the morning it looked like the fog disappeared somewhat but after looking closer it just gave way to rain.

Not long after the rain eased off, the fog came back. After finding some rain coats it was time to go for a quick drive around before heading back to Hanoi.

This trip really made the Olympus TG-4 worth the price and it performed great. Sure, my phone has better IQ but it’s not waterproof and having a camera out in any kind of weather is great.

Since the Olympus TG-4 is also shock proof, I could just have it around my wrist when driving and never had to worry when it bashed against the frame of the bike or when it got soaked.

People say the best camera is the one you have with you but after getting the Olympus TG-4 I have to say, the best camera is the one you can use at all times (and obviously have with you).