
GX100, f4.4, 1/30, ISO 200, RAW, 72mm

This week will be a GX100 week and following from yesterday’s picture is another candle picture for today. Almost like a bigger zoom/crop of the picture from yesterday ;).
So far I noticed three things about it, the lens is slower than the GRD, I mostly use the long end of the zoom and the image quality is even in RAW not as good and detailed as the GRD I. But the camera feels very good to handle and is a lot more versatile than the GRDs so you don’t have to lug around adapters with you.


GRD II, f4.5, 2 sec., ISO 80, RAW 1:1

The weather is still gray and rainy here so what better to do in the evening than chill with some wine, watching a movie and listening to some jazz. Can only recommend listening to Grover Washington jr., who has an album called “Winelight” and is also today’s title.
This is the first longer exposure I post with the GRD II and also a re-visit of my very first picture when I started the blog. As I said, I was not quite happy with it and always wanted to re-do it. This time I am happy with the result and will leave it at that.