Day 366 – Hello New York!

After doing some more photography and enjoying a nice brunch in Boston, it was time to hop on the bus and head to New York.

It was nice to have been back in Boston but New York is the place to be in the US and I’ve always felt right at home there, so I was really looking forward to getting here.

The bus journey was comfortable but took a while so I only got to New York late in the afternoon. With my bag I didn’t want to run around too much and take photos so did a quick walk before taking the subway to Brooklyn to leave my bag at the apartment I was staying at.

I have a love/hate relationship with the New York subway, it’s quite cool in a way and you feel like stepping back in time with the crappy trains and even worse stations. It runs all night so this is cool but it takes forever to get to places even when you take the express trains.

Still, while uncomfortable and slow, it provides some good photo opportunities and is always fun to see the different people.

For no specific reason In decided to head to Wall Street and Downtown to take photos in the evening, it was fun and interesting but there were not that many people around there so I did more walking around and took some photos of the skyscrapers around.

It was good to be back in New York and I would have stayed up all night to go around take photos but I was too tired so decided to leave some things for another day.

Day 365 – More from Boston

Another nice and sunny day in Boston although it being Sunday there seemed to be less people around, especially around the downtown area.

I decided to go around Chinatown as it seemed to be a good place to see people outside and it’s always interesting. For some reason I also seem to feel more comfortable around there despite standing out more.

Without a set plan, I just walked everywhere where I found or thought I’ll find a photo opportunity.

Some photographers tend to find a good place and wait there for the right photo, I’m not patient enough and always feel that I miss out on other opportunities so prefer to just wander around and find the photo opportunities.

While walking around, I also joined some of the tourist trails to see some of the more important houses and sights.

Since I never know what I will see when walking around and don’t do any proper research of what’s on, I sometimes arrive at festivals but in this case I arrived at the very end when it finished.

The evening I spent walking around before going to the cheapest bar I could find and getting a few beers for a dollar each so this was good.

Tomorrow afternoon I’ll be heading to New York so this was my last evening in Boston.

Day 364 – Boston

It was a nice day in Boston and after having coffee and finding a place I could afford to stay, I went for a walk.


Boston is a very nice city and feels very European in a lot of ways, it also has some very expensive hotels and accommodation, even when compared with New York.

I have been to Boston before so as with other places I could just focus on taking photos in places I wanted to revisit or where I knew it would be interesting.

Not feeling like missing out on anything if I skip the sights is a nice thing and frees up my day to take more photos of people.

The weather being nice and the weekend there were a lot of people out in the parks and the downtown area.

The nice thing with Boston is that it’s relatively compact and most things to see are next to each other so you can easily walk everywhere.

It was a nice day in Boston and it’s good to be back here for a short stay before heading to New York.

5 from Boston

This is just a small series of pictures I took on a grey and rainy day in Boston. No particular theme, just wanted to show some of the things I liked.

Aside from the first two, the other pictures have been edited with Photo Editor for Android, it’s a really nice app to quickly edit pictures and if it could gain full RAW support it would make it possible for me to use just the Transformer for all of my photo editing even when not travelling.

Views of Boston

Today, I set out to find Walter’s lab at Harward and visit the Massive Dynamics headquarters. ;)
In other words, I took a walk along the Charles to the MIT campus and did the self guided tour there, it was very interesting to walk around there. There is also some very interesting architecture there with the Stata Building beeing one of the most interesting ones, it does look a lot like some of the buildings in the Mediahafen in Duesseldorf.
Afer having lunch there, I walked to Copley Square along the quite hip Newbury Street. Later in the evening I went to have a loook at the Bull & Finch pub, this is the exterior for the Cheers pub in the show (the last picture of the staircase is taken inseide there). It was a bit too touristy and since I already had a pint at the other Cheers labeled pub I went to 75 Chestnut for dinner and drinks.

Since I posted pictures of people in my last post, I decided to show in this post more architecture and some landscape.

People in Boston

Arrived in Boston at around lunchtime, after the sort trip from the airport to the hotel, I set out for a walk to explore the city. Since the weather was fantastic, I decided to go to the waterfront and walk around there to the ICA.

Boston is a very nice place, it feels a bit European and the people are quite relaxed, one not so European thing is the good sevice you get.

This is a series of some street photography from my walks, in the upcoming posts I will try to post more of the architecture.