Clouds over the Barbican

GXR A12-M, f8.0, 1/540, ISo 200, RAW, 21mm (Voigtlander Heliar f4.5 15mm LTM)

The first outing with my newly acquired 15mm Heliar lens, it’s still a fantastic lens and great to have it back. The LTM version also just looks very nice. Despite me selling off almost all my lenses, this one was a worthy purchase.


Nexus 5, f2.4, 1/15, ISO 785, JPG

It doesn’t happen often, actually quite rare, but on the odd occasion I leave house without a camera or a battery in he camera. Today, it was without a camera but I still had my phone with me so all was not lost.

The Nexus phones have a bad reputation when it comes to the camera quality and I can only assume it’s from people who have no clue about cameras or need an excuse to praise the (average) iPhone cameras. Both the Nexus 4 and now Nexus 5 have fairly good cameras with the biggest problem being the high JPG compression standard in phones. The Nexus 5 has actually better image quality when taking panoramas than the Sony NEX-3n I have, they are better stitched and provide more details (the very strong JPG compression almost ruins this though).
In HDR mode it’s actually very decent and certainly on par with what I’ve seen from other phones and even some normal cameras.

I took this photo while walking back to the station in he evening and processed it using Snapseed on the phone.

One thing that I will never understand however is why no manufacturer puts an electronic leveler in their camera software, given that all phones have more than enough gyroscopes and other things to provide this information and more.

Long Shadows

GR, f8.0, 1/2000, ISO 100, RAW

What’s nice about this time of the year is the low hanging sun creating long shadows and nice light in the morning. While walking past the Barbican, the shadows caught my attention but I was missing someone walking past. A person always adds some life and more to a photo so I was glad hat after a short wait someone was actually walking across.

The Lost Posts – Part 1: Back in London

After finishing my travels around the world it has been difficult to get back to my daily posts and I also needed a break.

This doesn’t mean I didn’t take photos though or actually prepare photos to post on my blog.

Still, for one reason or another I never went back to them to actually post them.

So now, almost 2 years later, on the 17th September 2016, I am going to post these photos from my first day back in London after my rip around the world.

It was a weird feeling being back and in a lot of ways I didn’t quite feel like I finished my trip but it still felt like just another stop on my journey.