Day 233 – History and Art in George Town

I started the day with a visit to the Camera Museum since it was right next to the guest house I stayed at, it was nice but it’s very overpriced for what you get. There are not many old camera shops in most of Asia so I guess in this light it makes sense to have a camera museum but what you get here you get in most older camera shops in London for example.

Since I started visiting a museum, I continued and went to the Penang Museum since it’s located in a cool building and it’s a lot cheaper to visit. It was interesting as it focuses on all the different cultures and people living in Penang.

Once I was done in the museum it was time to go and explore the old part of town and especially find all the hidden street art and murals dotted about. There is a good map with all the locations but I think it’s more fun to try and discover by yourself.

Of course, there is not only street art to see and explore but also some of the old clan houses can be explored although at a rather steep price for some, can’t believe I complained about the prices in Myanmar when here you are really paying a lot to see things. At least it’s more in balance with everything costing more.

Still, the most fun is certainly walking down the different streets and alleys and be on the lookout for street art or for packs of tourists gathered in front of the artworks.

I had a very nice time in George Town and like the mix between Chinese and Indian, traditional and arty sides of it. It means you never get bored just wandering around as you always get something different around the next corner.

Day 39 – Jade, Flowers and Kaoshiung Art

I thought I got out of my hotel way too late to see the best of the flower and jade markets, turns out that Taiwanese are not morning people so they were still setting up their stands when I got there mid morning.

Both markets are well worth a look and seem great for buying souvenirs, the jade market probably more as I don’t think flowers will survive a flight back or my round the world trip intact. The markets are fairly big and are right under a elevated highway, the flower market even has a cool air humidifier system. As mentioned before, you don’t need to get up early for either as most sellers seem to arrive at around 10 am to set things up in the jade market.

After exploring the markets and the nearby park, I got to the train station and bought a ticket for Kaoshiung in the fast train, this only takes 90 minutes to go from north Taiwan to the south of the island. During the train ride it occurred to me that the island is not very big given that even the slow train gets from north to south in 5-6 hours.

In Kaoshiung my first stop after checking in to the hotel was the Formosa Boulevard station to see the Dome of Light. I have to say it’s pretty cool with some nice motives and colours. It’s definitely worth a look and it’s central enough so you will be going past when in Kaoshiung.
Everything was set up for a wedding of sorts so there were banners and a piano in the way but I tried to include some of the decorations and piano in my pictures. If you can’t get rid of it, might as well make use of it.

The next stop was meant to be Cijin island but I got sidetracked by the Pier 2 Art District, the Lovers Pier and Banana Wharf. After spending quite a bit of time walking around there and taking pictures, I decided Cijin Island would have to wait for tomorrow.

Day 21 – 798 and 751 D

While looking at Tripadvisor and briefly at the guidebook my travel companion from Ulaanbataar had, I read about the new arty and in 798 street/district in Beijing.

It is quite a bit out of the way so I was not sure it would be worth going all the way there to see some studios and graffiti on the walls. Well, I am glad I did not listen to myself and made the trip there.

The area itself is pretty cool, an old industrial area where the factories have now been converted into studios, caffes and bars or just made into a park or art installation.

As you might have noticed, I like art and love industrial buildings and installations. In the end what was supposed to be a quick checking out of the area turned into a whole day affair with me walking around 798 but also 751 D Park, which is even cooler and in parts reminded me of the High-Line in New York and the NDSM Wharf in Amsterdam.

There were lots of people wandering about, enjoying the free art exhibitions and having coffee. This is also a favourite spot for photographers wanting to shoot models in a more industrial or urban setting.

While it was a mostly grey day, it did not deter me from taking lots of pictures an enjoying myself greatly walking around the industrial area and old factories.

After most galleries started to close and people started going home, I figured it was time to head back, too. On my way I got caught up by a rain shower and got completely drenched, it was so bad that I actually put my cameras away, although I usually tend to use them in rain without worrying about them getting wet.

If you are in Beijing and need a break from the main tourist sights or are like me, someone who likes art and industrial buildings, you have to see 798 and the 751 D Park.


Just two pictures I liked of two different artists at work.

With he below picture, I also got an opportunity to see how the GR performs in a dimly lit venue, it did a very good job although the AF was quite slow at times but always accurate. The high ISO is also very impressive and retains a lot of detail even when shooting at ISO 12800.

Waddesdon Manor


After visiting Stowe yesterday, I went to see Waddesdon Manor and spent most of the day there, the manor is huge and the property is also quite big so it takes time to see everything.

The RD1 did again a good job and it felt nice at times to go back in time but I am glad I have the GXR to go back to as it can be frustrating at times not to have the ability to preview exposure, DOF or be able to focus or frame accurately.

This is a larger series than yesterday as I have taken quite alot more pictures. I have used again mostly the Pentax Limited 43mm lens, the Heliar 12mm and 15mm and the Jupiter-12 although most pictures in this post are with the Pentax.

Trinity Buoy Wharf

Went to Trinity Buoy Wharf to see the art exhibitions there, it’s been a nice and sunny day so great to be outside and walk around.
I have been there years ago but it changed quite a bit since then, it also reminded me of the NDSM Wharf in Amsterdam.
It’s quite a nice place to spend some time and take pictures, I took the GXR with the GR lens along and have taken quite a few pictures. This is a series of the pictures I like best.

Gallery Thursday

Went to the Tate Modern during lunch for a quick browse and after work I headed to the Whitechapel Gallery and after to my favourite gallery at the Wapping Project. This is a series of pictures taken at each of these galleries, the first is at the Tate, the second at the Whitechapel Gallery and the rest are all at the Wapping Project.