Under the Microscope

TG-4, f4.9, 1/100, ISO 1000, RAW

The microscope mode on the Olympus TG-4 is pretty cool and quite impressive on its own but with help of a raindrop on the phone screen it becomes even more fun.

Not an exciting photo and more something to show off he camera but I like it nonetheless.

I’m Back

After finishing my ‘Round The World’ trip and being back in London it was strange, at first it felt like I was still travelling and just at another place on my travels so I kept taking photos and walking around as usual.

Then after a very short time in London I decided to head to Germany and stay there for a few weeks, visit Photokina and try to see where to next.

The past weeks finally have seen me back in London and looking for jobs, going to interviews and selling some of my stuff on ebay to reduce clutter (after living out of a small backpack for a year everything not needed feels like clutter).

After taking hundreds of photos every day and over 60,000 photos during my trip I also took it a bit easier with my photography. That’s not to say that I haven’t been taking photos but I have taken many with my phone and didn’t take a photo every day.

I didn’t know how and when I would continue my blog but it always feels like there is something missing when I don’t post.

Where and how to continue was a bigger challenge and I went through a few ideas but have now decided to just start with today’s photos and back fill the days I have some good photos from the past weeks, including my Photokina posts and some series I have been taking on weekends.

Continuing from he lessons learned during my trip that less is always more and that gear certainly doesn’t mater, I will not post the EXIF information to my photos because it really doesn’t matter. If there is enough demand I will bring it back but for now I think the photos will mater more than the EXIF information.

There will be more updates coming from now on, both the daily post but also older posts that will appear to fill up the past weeks so I hope you are still following it and enjoy it.

More changes to the format or layout might follow and there will be adds since not enough people donated (but a big thanks to all who did!!) for the blog so ads will at least help me to maintain the blog.

Day in London

Another beautiful day in London and with the benefit of not having to work, it meant I could go around London to take some pictures and see some things I usually don’t get round to.

Took the Heliar 12mm and the GR lens with me but the Heliar stayed on all the time, I like the wideangle it offers and shooting at f8.0 meant I only needed to worry about the framing.

This is a series of some pictures I took today from different parts of London, starting near Liverpool Street, passing by the Barbican, Regent Street, the Saatchi gallery, Battersea park, Chelsea Bridge with a view of my favourite building in London and finally a slightly abstract picture of the Southwark Cathedral. I have a lot more pictures and locations but these show best my day and the photography I have been doing.