7 thoughts on “Candlelight

  1. Thanks for your comment yesbuts!If you compare this picture with the one I took recently with the RD1 you will see the difference in the way a small sensor and big sensor \’draw\’ a similar scene. None is better or worse, just different.

  2. I agree that a fast lens is probably the most important thing for low light photography. For me personally the 50mm and up have never been an issue since I don\’t use those focal lengths on my GX200. Just mostly 28 and 35mm, and sometimes 24mm.I don\’t care about noise too (although I don\’t like blotchy noise, because it limits the post processing). But I would love to have the possibility for shallow DOF for creative purposes.

  3. I think the fast lens is more than anything else what really has people interested in the LX3. This should be the first thing on the list for Ricoh to improve.Wouter, I think for me the reason I mostly user 50mm and above with the GX cameras is that for anything else I could use my GRD so I like the change of perspective.I like shallow DOF but find most of the time it limits me more than anything else, especially if it makes the fast apretures unusable for street photography. It\’s good to have the choice but for a low light camera I would want a very fast lens and a small sensor (the GRD I with a f1 lens would be perfect for me).

  4. I love this shot, the warmth of candlelight will become more obvious to us, if all these new techniques like led lights will catch on. They will never have this warmth that you captured. Merry x mass!

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