Day 365 – More from Boston

Another nice and sunny day in Boston although it being Sunday there seemed to be less people around, especially around the downtown area.

I decided to go around Chinatown as it seemed to be a good place to see people outside and it’s always interesting. For some reason I also seem to feel more comfortable around there despite standing out more.

Without a set plan, I just walked everywhere where I found or thought I’ll find a photo opportunity.

Some photographers tend to find a good place and wait there for the right photo, I’m not patient enough and always feel that I miss out on other opportunities so prefer to just wander around and find the photo opportunities.

While walking around, I also joined some of the tourist trails to see some of the more important houses and sights.

Since I never know what I will see when walking around and don’t do any proper research of what’s on, I sometimes arrive at festivals but in this case I arrived at the very end when it finished.

The evening I spent walking around before going to the cheapest bar I could find and getting a few beers for a dollar each so this was good.

Tomorrow afternoon I’ll be heading to New York so this was my last evening in Boston.

4 thoughts on “Day 365 – More from Boston

  1. 365th day post.Although now Tuesday.Happy birthday! Traveling for a year. I doff my my cap to you.May not have commented but tuned into each post.Jason

  2. Congratulations!!! 365 days. Wow. Whats your goal? 2 years or 3? ;-)I like your journey and go with your pics every morning when I go my RSS-Round drinking my cup of Coffee. Nice greetings from Tyrol, Austria :-)

  3. Thanks for your congratulations and for following my travels!I didn't even realize it's bee a year already, time passes quick and I was so busy travelling around that I didn't notice.

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