People at the Greenwich Festival 2012

Since the GDIF 2012 or the Greenwich and Docklands International Festival was on today, I decided to go out and have a look around. For pictures I dusted off my Epson R-D1, put the Nokton lens on and took some spare batteries with me.

Going back to a Rangefinder after using the GXR A12-M is like trying to make a fire by rubbing two sticks together after using a lighter for the past months. In other words, it’s a lot of hassle an the result are unpredictable but it’s also rewarding if you manage it. The biggest problems are the lack of live view, having to always lift the camera to your eye is simply not fluid enough nor is it actually possible to accurately frame before getting used to the frame lines.
Still, I enjoyed using the R-D1 again and will have to give it more of a workout over the coming days.

This is a small series from the pictures I took today.