Prometheus Awakes

Went to the Prometheus Awakes show tonight at the Greenwich Maritime Museum, I did not know much what to expect but since it started at 10pm and was outside I took the GXR A12-M and 35mm Nokton lens with me.
It was a great show and very well organized since most of the action happened in between, around and a lot above the crowds. If you get the chance to watch it, I can only recommend as it was great fun.

While I thought I needed a fast lens for this, it turned out I was shooting mostly at f5.6, low ISO and EV -4.0 anyway. While I did not need the fast lens, the 35mm was a good compromise as a single lens since it was wide enough but also allowed me to get close to the action when needed.
What keeps impressing me still is the detail the GXR A12-M is able to capture and the Nokton lens is also excellent at this and a very sharp lens.

Since I did not find many photos from this show online, I decided to post a slightly longer series of 10 pictures although I did take around 170 in total. Picture 9 is my favourite and if I were to post only one this would have been it.