
GF1, f1.4, 1/1600, ISO 400, RAW, 80mm

A few days ago I received my m-mount adapter for the GF1 and yesterday I borrowed a Voigtländer Nokton 40mm f1.4 lens to try with the adapter. Due to the crop this lens becomes a 80mm lens but it feels and looks great, thi is how lenses are supposed to look and not like the modern lenses which only have the infinite focus ring around the lens.
I sure hope that manufacturers and here especially Ricoh will abandon the silly focus-by-wire systems and produce lenses with proper manual focus rings and maybe even aperture rings around the lens barrel.

The picture shows a bit the quality you get with this lens at f1.4. One thing to note though is that I have edited the file a bit and added some vignetting.
Also something to be aware of is that the distance markings on the lens don’t work with the GF1 and adapter and you can focus over infinity.
Still, it is great fun to be able to use so many lenses on the GF1 and to get a different character from each lens.

5 thoughts on “Pigeonwatch

  1. I like your pigeon shot. Do you choose a location and wait around to get the 'right' shot, or do you wander until you 'see' it?You didn't want to buy a proper SLR with 'defined' lens? I would think it's more hit and miss photographically to mix and match bodies with various vintages of lens.

  2. A question, Cris… I'm wanting to get either a R10 or CX1 for my Mother, who's 73. I know you've handled both. Do you know which camera is more 'senior'-friendly? If a non-Ricoh is better, please let me know, but I think she'll really appreciate the 3\” LCD and the solid grip.Thanks,Mark

  3. Thanks for your comment!I usually just walk around till I see the shot but sometimes when I see a location I will wait around for the right shot.I dislike dSLRs, they are too big, heavy, I don't like using an OVF only camera and simply prefer a camra I can have with me all the time because I can fit it in a jacket pocket.Hi Mark, I would certainly advise to get the CX1. The CX1 is excellent, it focuses faster than the R10 and the screen is much improved.The other advantage is that the easy mode actually works pretty well and you could just save her some settings on the My 1 and 2 options.You should look in my CX1 review for the JPG settings I have used as it also gives nicer pictures as I find.As for a non-Ricoh alternative, I am not sure but have found that most compact cameras don't offer a good grip and always have tiny buttons.

  4. Thanks for your reply, Cris.Yeah… I've decided on a CX1 after reading your reviews of the R10 and the CX1, as well as a few others. Thank you for those reviews: it really helped me a lot in my decision.Mark

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